Need A Beautiful And High Converting Website?

As web designers in Lagos, we provide our clients with the best possible results in the shortest amount of time at an affordable price. You can have confidence that your website will be optimized for search engines, making it easier for people to find your business online.

What Our Clients Say About



Starter web design plan


Small Biz Website design Plan


Enterprise website design plan

What We Have Done


Website Design Project By Archypage
affordable website design packages
Archypage Web Designers
Website Design Project By Archypage

Responsive Mobile Design

Responsive web design is an important factor to consider for your current website or next project.

Our gorgeous, mobile-responsive sites look good on device screens of all sizes.

WordPress CMS

Should you ever decide to move on from us at any point in the future you can take your website with you and there's a 90% chance that any competent web developer will be able to help you


Optimized for Search Eniges

We design all our websites to be user-friendly while also optimizing the website for search engines. You can have confidence that your website will be optimized for search engines, making it easier for people to find your business online.

WordPress is open source content management software and currently powers around 27% of all websites on the Internet This means, should you ever decide to move on from us at any point in the future you can take your website with you and there’s a 90% chance that any competent web developer will be able to help you

Yes. Our affordable website design packages cover the cost of website hosting on a safe, reliable and fast server. Your website will be backed up on the server daily as well as off-site every month (depending on your site needs). You can see what we do to maintain your website here on the Website Hosting and Care Plan page. You will choose one of these plans once your 18-month term is complete.

Your business domain should be purchased by you and within your control. If you already have a domain name, we recommend leaving it where it is, and we will take care of pointing it to our servers when your new website is ready to go live.

The development time varies based on which plan you choose and what the requirements are for the project. Our general time frame for standard website build is 4-6 weeks. However, all time frames depend on the complexity of features and client engagement.

Whilst we like to be flexible and responsive to your needs, we also like to deliver what we promise within the time frames and budgets we have allowed. If you ask us to add new features to your website while we are building it, we will most likely ask why? If we all agree that your new request will help us achieve our objectives then we will be more than happy to oblige. If your new feature is something you would like to add to your website but is not directly tied to your original objectives then we will suggest to schedule it for a second iteration of the website once it has been launched.

Yes. We build every website using WordPress, which makes it easy for you to login and make changes to your website. However, some changes are more difficult than others, and while we do provide instructional videos for certain features, we do not provide website training. We do offer ongoing website edits as part of all of our plans so you don’t have to hassle with making changes to your website.

Want to drive more business through your website?